Phone: (+1) 959 200 6700 |
E-mail: sanjeev.nayak@uconn.edu |
Address: Department Materials Science & Engineering University of Connecticut 97 North Eagleville Road 06269 Storrs, CT |
Linkedin: https://bit.ly/2KdqoGq |
Hi, you are visiting Sanjeev K. Nayak's homepage. I am a Research Scientist at Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Connecticut. My research involves applying theoretical condensed matter physics methodologies including quantum theory and many-body theory to decipher intricate structure-property relationship, predict design rules for developing smart materials, and their applications for current and future technologies.
I earned PhD in Physics from University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Prior to my current position I was a research associate at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, where I worked on collaborative research project Functionality of Oxide Interfaces together with the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics and University of Leipzig.
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